Friday, 30 September 2016

Main Odessa 10-4 spaceship progress (Blender modeling)

A while back I made a model spaceship called "Fat Betty" for the Odessa 10-4 Project I'm involved in. Progress was great and I learned a lot in the progress, mainly about texturing and lighting. Here's a brief video of what I had....

Notice how I said had.....

I was on Linux at the time and wanted to duel boot so I could have windows and Linux on the same computer.....yeah, didn't work out so good. I lost the model and all the assets above which all in all was about 2 weeks of work down the toilet.

But It might not be as bad as I thought. I'm currently re-doing the model and with all I've learned from before I've made it slightly different with more thought put into scale!
There was an article from Neil Blevins about how to make things look huge and I'm going to be putting that to good use. Basically by have 3 different size layers you can trick the viewer into perceiving the smaller objects in relation to the largest thus giving the size impression. I think it will work more effectively if I can somehow show the size of a human, maybe by putting an airlock here and there.

So It's still very early and I've only just started again, zipping from segment to segment with no definitive final end look in mind I'm liking what I have so far. Keep in mind it's very early on and I have all the textures to do. Talking about textures, I'm going to be using more of them and as many 8k's as I can comfortably fit on it. Half will be procedural and the big chunks will be hand painted or a mixture.

It's a project I am looking forward to push forward and there is lots to do!

Old Betty Model
Old Betty Model

New Betty
New Betty Model

Spaceship Close Up
Closer look at the smaller objects

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Fall City HallwayScene

Moving onto some internal scenes now. Still jumping around to keep things fresh. Here's a WIP of a corridor scene where one of the villains goons are going to be hanging out while he is conducting his business.

I'm thinking of hand drawing some images to put into the picture frames. The scene has a Yakuza theme to it so might try my hand at some oriental style pictures. It's also worth noting that I hope to make the corridor modular so that I can just use blender's mirror and array modifiers to create other scenes relatively fast, perhaps just change a few colours and textures around. In fact I'm hoping to do that for a lot of props. The ashtrays and cigarette packets took me a wee while to model so If I can be lazy and reuse them I will.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Rose's katana blades Ebony and Ivory - Project Fall City

Just a quick one!

Fall City is coming along nicely although I'm jumping around from asset to asset to keep things fresh. I guess I'm putting off the character modeling for as long as I can as it's definitely a weak point of mine. One of the main characters 'Rose' is a young energy drink addicted semi-psychopath on a mission to save her mother, and she's going to do it with kick ass swords! Katana's to be more specific!

Here's Ebony and Ivory so far...

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

New blender comic style render direction

I decided to take the new project away from the black and white images I posted before. While I liked them, especially for a 2D comic they proved a little limiting when applying it to an animation. There was just such a loss of detail say when a character who was already cast in shadow, standing in an alleyway...cast in shadow. I tried messing around with colour variants and while I'm still not happy with the colour palette just yet, I am more happy with the general tone.

Obviously still early days yet, I'm thinking of sticking to the de-saturated colors. I'm rather fond of the Jin-Roh palette. The artist Bengal's colouring has always made me want to try something similar and I think this is the project I'm going to do it!